《ELF》燕京理工学院 第十二届国际大学生时尚设计盛典微视频单元铜奖

《ELF》燕京理工学院 第十二届国际大学生时尚设计盛典微视频单元铜奖2023-08-05T05:12:51+00:00

《ELF》燕京理工学院 第十二届国际大学生时尚设计盛典微视频单元铜奖

·剧情短片 - 家庭·剧情短片 - 儿童566播放130人气值
发布时间:2023-08-05 13:12河北


李耕田发现妻子杨秋燕出轨发生争吵,杨秋燕和自己上班的同事刘鑫打算浪迹天涯,李耕田和杨秋燕的女儿瑶瑶,每天都是在父母的吵架中度过,瑶瑶想要去找妈妈每晚讲的精灵,瑶瑶趁他们吵架自己从家中溜了出去,正巧遇到了正在楼下等着杨秋燕的刘鑫,瑶瑶看到刘鑫正是妈妈晚上所讲的精灵形象,瑶瑶和眼前的这个男人,来了一段奇妙的旅程…… Li Gengtian quarrelled with his wife Yang Qiuyan when he found her wife betrayed their marriage. Yang Qiuyan planned to roam the world with her colleague Liu Xin. Yaoyao, the daughter of Li Gengtian and Yang Qiuyan, spent every day in a quarrel with her parents. Yaoyao wanted to find the fairy in the story that her mother told before going to bed every night. Yaoyao sneaked out of the house while her parents were quarreling, and happened to meet Liu Xin who was waiting for Yang Qiuyan downstairs. Yaoyao saw that Liu Xin and her mother looked the same as the fairy image they talked about every night. So Yaoyao planned to have a wonderful journey with the man in front of her…



