最新国外炫酷CG科幻短片《任性之神》第一集|Wayward Gods

最新国外炫酷CG科幻短片《任性之神》第一集|Wayward Gods2023-08-08T10:25:30+00:00

最新国外炫酷CG科幻短片《任性之神》第一集|Wayward Gods

·剧情短片 - 科幻·视觉探索 - 视觉艺术1.1k播放313人气值
发布时间:2023-08-08 18:25上海4K


Here it is! Months and months of hard work has gone into making this short film, Wayward Gods / Episode 1 / Tetsugun vs. The Meka Naga. This episode finds our hero riding to the Naga Corporations Industrial Power Facility which is guarded by a gigantic mechanical beast, The Meka Naga! Tetsugun must use his guitar and his courage to defeat the Wayward God without using any violence! Can he do it? 本短片用Blender制作。 作者/导演/VFX:Nate Pantumsinchai 音乐:Andrew Gerlicher;Guitar for Musical Score by Jesse Haugen;Tetsugun Helmet Sculpt by Sasawat Intakul 转载自Youtube(@Create! Nate! Create!),仅供大家交流、学习、分享。如喜欢作者,请大家自行搜索关注。支持原创。


