《云的风铃》Be your own cloud

《云的风铃》Be your own cloud2023-10-10T09:37:28+00:00

《云的风铃》Be your own cloud

·剧情短片 - 奇幻·剧情短片 - 儿童247播放33人气值
发布时间:2023-10-10 17:37北京4K


当故乡的口琴声随风飘荡而来时,我想我喜欢云的记忆,其间最重要的莫过——云的风铃 风铃声响,从乡村走出来的音乐老师林云,回想起来了儿时自己的音乐启蒙。而面前的小云,似乎就是小时候的自己。在闭塞的世界里,该如何选择自己所爱呢? When the harmonica sound of my hometown floats in the wind, I think I like the memory of the clouds, and the most important thing is the wind chimes of the clouds The wind bell sounded, and Lin Yun, a music teacher who came out of the countryside, recalled his own musical enlightenment when he was a child. And the little cloud in front of him seems to be his childhood self. In a closed world, how do you choose what you love?


