科幻电影短片 请问是神明大人吗? 预告片

科幻电影短片 请问是神明大人吗? 预告片2023-10-11T10:40:03+00:00

科幻电影短片 请问是神明大人吗? 预告片

·剧情短片 - 青春·剧情短片 - 科幻365播放65人气值
发布时间:2023-10-11 18:40中国台湾


2030年,一款全新遊戲「美好昨日」,人們可以戴上裝置,親身重溫過去的記憶片段。但也因為如此,在有太多現實中遭遇挫敗的人們寧願沉迷其中而不願面對現實,因此遭到停用。 林映彤也是那個活在過去的人,在系統關閉前夕,她選擇回到她最美好的回憶,卻在其中遇到了一個不速之客。 In 2030, a new game called "ReMemory" will allow people to put on a device and relive memories of the past.But because of this, too many people who have been frustrated in reality prefer to indulge in it rather than face it and are therefore discontinued. Lin Yingtong is also the person who lives in the past, on the eve of the system shutdown, she chose to return to her best memories, but in which met an unexpected guest.


