Abyss|深渊 学生作品

Abyss|深渊 学生作品2023-10-15T09:14:39+00:00

Abyss|深渊 学生作品

·剧情短片 - 惊悚·校园作品 - 其他6.5w播放2.3w人气值
发布时间:2023-10-15 17:14英国4K


这是Binaural格式 需要带耳机体验全景声 创作于2022年,完成于2023年春季的个人短片 是导演在留学期间回国拍摄的个人作品 不过确实投了些比赛也都没什么太大的效果,如果有推荐的电影节或放映可以联系! 剧情简介: 隧道工人陈鸣被独自困在坍塌的隧道内,在身体被完全坍塌物压住,缺水缺食和缺血的情况下,他开始暴躁易怒,也开始日渐虚弱。而孤独也折磨着他,时间失去意义,只有死亡盘亘。他在这种情况下陷入了对于深渊的幻想,永久的黑暗、将至的窒息、汹涌的洪水。于是他无法区分,那隐约的钻机挖掘声,到底是源于自己的幻想,还是世界的真实…… The tunnel worker, Chen Ming, found himself trapped alone in a collapsed tunnel. Crushed under the debris, deprived of water, food, and blood supply, he grew increasingly irritable and weakened. The solitude tormented him as time lost its meaning, leaving only the looming presence of death. In such circumstances, he delved into fantasies of the abyss—eternal darkness, impending suffocation, and surging floods. Unable to distinguish whether the faint sounds of drilling came from his imagination or the reality of the world...



