《Wind》Leandro Morgado Presents

《Wind》Leandro Morgado Presents2023-10-20T16:26:47+00:00

《Wind》Leandro Morgado Presents

·视觉探索 - 视觉艺术147播放23人气值
发布时间:2023-10-21 00:26广东


Take a breath Feel it in your nostrils your chest and lungs Take another In a year from now,you've done that more than 8 million times without any effort Without anyone telling you to breathe Breath "Psyche"for the greeks A gust of wind but it also stands for"Soul"and"Mind" In fact Psyche was the personification of the human soul feelings and thoughts From it we get the words psychology,psychiatry,psychic,psychedelic If Psyche is the act of breathing pneuma is what brings psyche to life it's also a greek and means "Air" from which we get the words pneumonia and pneumatics But it's not any air Pneuma is the air that grants life The primordial breath The vital Spirit Spirit.. "spiritus"in Latin Also meaning Breath Wind blow In the bibical creation myth God gives live by blowing into Adam's nostrils literary blowing his mind into existence hence making a living being Animated matter Animate.. "anima"in latin The root word of animal "animation","unanimous" being of One Soul or One Mind...


