Short Film | 龙出水 Cuckoo, Cuckoo

Short Film | 龙出水 Cuckoo, Cuckoo2023-10-23T05:12:45+00:00

Short Film | 龙出水 Cuckoo, Cuckoo

·宣传片 - 影视/综艺·剧情短片 - 剧情252播放38人气值
发布时间:2023-10-23 13:12北京


一个深冬的清晨,林暮在湖岸边的浓雾里隐约看见一条传说中的“龙”的身影。成年后,林暮开始对自己的回忆产生了怀疑,这段不合常理的经历,包括童年时期的种种真的有发生过吗? In the early morning of a late winter, behind the thick fog on the shore of the lake, Lin Mu saw a figure of "Long", which is a legendary animal in Chinese myths. When he became an adult, Lin began to doubt his?memories, and query this irrational experience. Did it really happen Are all the childhood memories realistic?


