「 Veba Geceleri 」-蝶化莊生-

「 Veba Geceleri 」-蝶化莊生-2024-01-09T07:25:49+00:00

「 Veba Geceleri 」-蝶化莊生-

·剧情短片 - 惊悚·剧情短片 - 剧情3.4k播放3.6k人气值
发布时间:2024-01-09 15:25北京4K


ENG:The story tells that as a front-line medical worker, the mother went to the front line during the epidemic, and the daughter left at home also became a volunteer to help the epidemic. Facing the endless epidemic and the pressure of the world, the heart of missing mother of daughter gradually strengthened, and finally the mother and daughter reunited. Everything in the world is unreal and unpredictable, wish to cherish the moment. CHN:故事讲述在疫情肆虐期间,作为一线医务工作者的母亲奔赴前线,而留在家中的女儿也成为自愿者为疫情出一份力,面对遥遥无期的疫情与世间压力,女儿的思母之心日益渐强,最终与母亲团聚。蝶化庄生,变化莫测,愿珍惜当下。 Credits: Director/Cinematographer/Screen Writer/Production Designer/Edited/Sound Design:Dennis Woo Producer:Gary Chan/Chen Xin Key Cast:Han Mu/Liang Si Si Colorist:Lin Ze Xing Technical Director:Zeng Yi Chao Art Dierotor:Gab Loeng 1st Assistant Diretor:Jiang Jia Long 2nd Assistant Diretor:Wang Ke Zhou Visual Effects Art Dierotor:Pan Zhi Jie Lead Compositors:Zhang Xiang


Accolade Global Film Competition-Award of Merit(荣誉全球电影大赛-获电影短片/电影摄影优异奖) Cannes Film Awards-Official Selection(戛纳电影节-入围短片) SHISW Main Competition-International Narrative Short(翠麟短片奖主竟赛-入围最佳故事短片奖) Best Short Film Award-Official Selection(伦敦最佳短片电影节-入围短片) European Short Awards-Official Selection(欧洲短片电影节-入围短片) Brno Film Festival-Official Selection(欧洲布尔诺电影节-入围超级短片) ORION International Film Festival(澳洲猎户座国际电影节-入围最佳叙事短片)




