xSuit "A Race Against Time"

xSuit "A Race Against Time"2024-03-08T17:33:41+00:00

xSuit "A Race Against Time"

·广告片 - 服装/时尚·广告片 - 剧情广告4.0k播放4.4k人气值
发布时间:2024-03-09 01:33泰国2k


《与时间赛跑》融合了谍战片的紧张感与都市现实生活的忙碌状态。男主角身着最新款防水防皱的xSuit,灵活的穿梭于洛杉矶城市的各个街道。这部影片看似在与时间赛跑,但其实另有原因… 观看影片,一起见证xSuit是如何为都市男士们的自信与优雅助力的吧! 制作方:Studio Supreme 洛杉矶制片人:Constance Powis 中国制片人:Camilla Wang 演员阵容: 主演:Vladislav Litvinenko 特别出演:Paul Darnell 品牌:Xsuit 动作特技部分由艾美奖得主、《曼达洛人》的特技指导Paul Darnell亲自设计 "Race Against Time" merges the thrill of a spy adventure with the reality of urban professionalism. Watch as our hero, clad in the versatile xSuit, navigates Los Angeles' challenges with style and agility. This film showcases how, in the race against time for a crucial board meeting, the xSuit stands as the ultimate ally for the modern man. Discover the power of facing every day with confidence and elegance. Produced by: Studio Supreme LA Producer: Constance Powis CN Producer: Camilla Wang Talent: Lead: Vladislav Litvinenko Feat: Paul Darnell Client: Xsuit Stunts by Emmy Award Winner Stunt Choreographer Paul Darnell (Mandolorian)


