Helena Rubinstein x Henry Lau DC

Helena Rubinstein x Henry Lau DC2024-04-02T14:03:19+00:00

Helena Rubinstein x Henry Lau DC

·广告片 - 美妆/护肤·广告片 - TVC广告4.2k播放2.4k人气值
发布时间:2024-04-02 22:03北京


In a clash with the storm, Wild winds, towering waves, scorching sun. Beneath the tempest, life thrives, Behind the clash, strength grows. With the sea as neighbor, rocks as earth, Tendrils reach into the sea, new shoots pierce through stone; Grateful for nature's bestowal, Calmly listening to rocks carving the waves, Consulting nature, listening like Siddhartha, All answers reverberate in silence. helena rubinstein The regenerative power of skin. 1837年 聖彼得草修复的传奇在布列尼海岸徐徐展开 极境 孕育着这个精巧,却散发大樹檜木香氣的生命 海为邻,岩为土 触角伸进海水,新芽穿石而生; 是法国船员修复晒伤皮肤的珍贵草药,穿石而生,遇强则强; 究其根本, 海茴香愈伤组织 1:1复制增殖至2亿细胞 强韧维稳,从根源修护肌肤 感谢自然的馈赠 从容地听岩石切割海浪 向自然请教,如悉达多般倾听 一切答案都会在无声中回响 赫莲娜绿宝瓶 肌肤再生力量



