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发布时间:2024-04-15 19:20湖北


《也》 《Me too》 昏暗灯光庇护下 ,陌生男女在微醺中相互试探……女生装醉双眼迷离,男生唯恐野心暴露…… 古人舞于祭祀之中,祈求神明得以饱腹 今人舞于初见之际,祈求对方成为自己的猎物….. 欲望与恐惧交织共舞,我们既是舞者也是猎物 醉倒在这无尽旋转的舞步中,寻找着彼此存在的意义…. Under the dim light, Strange men and women cautiously interact in tipsiness. The girl pretends to be drunk with dazed eyes, The boy fears his ambitions getting exposed. The ancients danced during sacrifices, Praying to the gods for enough to eat. Nowadays, people dance at first sight, Praying that the other becomes their prey. Desire and fear intertwine in dance, We are both dancers and prey. We get drunk in the endless spins of the dance, Searching for the meaning of each other's existence.


