母亲节 | 黏土动画 | 花园回忆

母亲节 | 黏土动画 | 花园回忆2024-05-13T01:35:44+00:00

母亲节 | 黏土动画 | 花园回忆

·广告片 - 产品广告·广告片 - 剧情广告115播放17人气值
发布时间:2024-05-13 09:35福建


从我出生起 Since I was born. 妈妈就一直很忙碌 Mom was always busy. 忙着照顾我照顾家里的里里外外 Taking care of me, taking care of everything. 当然还有我们的小花园 Including our garden. 仅仅只是因为我喜欢在花园玩 Just because I always play in the garden. 可是 突然有一天 But one day. 我发现她老了 I realized she was getting old. 时常忘记浇水 She often forgot to water. 花园的花不再如她所愿那般茁壮成长 The plants started to wither. 于是 母亲节我为她准备了这款 So I got her the 雨点智能双路灌溉控制器 "RainPoint Smart + 2-Zone Water Timer" 能够APP控制浇水 双出水口 App-controlled watering. 蔬菜区域和鲜花区域可以分两路浇灌了 不同区域可以多种计划灌溉 Vegetable and flower can be watered on different schedules. 带着妈妈去旅游 在路上也一样可以浇水 You can also water while traveling. 那些花园的美好回忆也能维持住 Fond memories of garden exclusivity rescued 祝所有妈妈们节日快乐 Happy Mother's Day to all the moms. 同时献给我们的爸爸 And the fathers too. 感谢你所做的一切 Thank you for all that you do.


