生生 预告片

生生 预告片2024-06-30T05:35:49+00:00

生生 预告片

·宣传片 - 影视/综艺·校园作品 - 其他72播放13人气值
发布时间:2024-06-30 13:35北京


乡镇上,六月的夜,狗吠声中的秘密与疯舞的想象交织。一个女人的逃婚,一个男人的双重人格,真相如刀般割 裂黑暗。命运如铁链,谁能逃脱? 在草原上的一个宁静小村庄,老李过着看似平凡的生活。但在他内心深处,藏着一个可怕的秘密⸺他有双重人格。主人格老李认为儿子小李已经去世,而副人格小李则认为自己依然活着,并与盲人李梅展开了一段荒唐的关系。 In the town, on a June night, the secrets in the barking of dogs are intertwined with the imagination of crazy dancing. A woman's escape from marriage, a man's dual personality, the truth cuts through the darkness like a knife. Fate is like an iron chain, who can escape? In a quiet little village on the grassland, Lao Li lives a seemingly ordinary life. But deep in his heart, there is a terrible secret - he has a dual personality. The main personality Lao Li believes that his son Xiao Li has died, while the secondary personality Xiao Li believes that he is still alive and has started an absurd relationship with the blind Li Mei.


