New lifestyles 2018

New lifestyles 20182024-07-01T04:35:14+00:00

New lifestyles 2018

发布时间:2024-07-01 12:35上海


在英国皇家艺术学院讲师 Joshua Trees 组织的《讲座与表演 2018》中,我展示了我的概念短片《新生活方式》。我运用数字素材撰写了“视觉论文”,并将找到的图像与我自己的动态图形和 3D 视觉效果结合起来制作了影片。在图像制作过程中,我探索了一些符合“数码”这个主题的视觉符号。通过这个短片,我希望观众能够从新的视角,以一种夸张的方式体验、审视和反思当代的生活方式,从而批判人们在选择生活方式时面临的困境。 'New Lifestyles' is the video essay Wanyi Lu participated in the 'Lecture Performance 2018' in Royal College of Art organized by lecturer Joshua Trees. In the video essay 'New Lifestyles', Wanyi Lu used digital material, made the film and experimented with found images with her own visuals in motion graphic and in 3D. In terms of image making, she explored the visual code that she can use to talk about in the digital topic. Wanyi Lu's video provides a new perspective for her audiences to experience, examine and reflect lifestyle in an exaggerated manner. In order to critique present-day dilemmas of people choosing lifestyles.


