Chinese Bullfighting in Leishan County(《雷山斗牛赛》英文版)

Chinese Bullfighting in Leishan County(《雷山斗牛赛》英文版)2016-11-07T15:14:09+00:00

Chinese Bullfighting in Leishan County(《雷山斗牛赛》英文版)

·纪录片 - 人文/历史·学习分享 - 剪辑1.6k播放788人气值
发布时间:2016-11-07 23:14


贵州雷山苗族人喜爱斗牛的历史已超过400年,斗牛活动一直是苗族人过年的保留项目。苗族人爱牛,甚至会把斗牛当成宠物来养,牛王在苗寨更是有着崇高的地位,去世会获得全村人的厚葬。雷山人的斗牛经验十分丰富,怎么喂养牛,怎么锻炼牛,以及斗牛的获胜技巧,参赛者说起来都头头是道。 Chinese bullfighting has been a beloved tradition among the Miao people of Leishan County, Guizhou Province, for over 400 years and is an essential part of their Spring Festival. The Miao people are so fond of the bulls that they even feed them as if they are pets. And the champion bull enjoys such a respected status in the community that when it dies, the locals will hold an elaborate funeral. The people of Leishan County are experienced in the ways of Chinese bullfighting, and those who participate in the competition know how to feed and train their bulls to win.

