


·剧情短片 - 文艺2.7k播放2.2k人气值
发布时间:2014-05-19 12:24


大学寝室是最小的社会单元,在这个社会单元中有即将毕业的大学室友。每天都在上演着主人公在应聘时的种种不幸与遭遇,然而他从大二一开始就忙于就业问题。    我想通过这部影片,让这个社会更加关注大学生的就业问题,更想通过本部影片让社会这碗“水”端的更平一些。    University dormitory is a small social unit,In this unit,everyone is graduating.There are various of misfortne and experience of protagonist of applying for ajob are showed verday. The protagonist was busy at finding a job from the begining of sophomore year. Through this film,I hope our society will pay more attention to the employment probblem of university students.What’s more,our society will become more fair

