纪录电影《知天命/Heaven's Will》预告片

纪录电影《知天命/Heaven's Will》预告片2017-05-19T09:28:12+00:00

纪录电影《知天命/Heaven's Will》预告片

·纪录片 - 人文/历史3.8k播放1.8k人气值
发布时间:2017-05-19 17:28


山西省吕梁地区,典型的黄土高原地貌,四面环山,一百多户的山村,不算特殊贫困,但当地的信仰、风气却十分独特,有治愈邪病的神管,有跟侄儿媳妇通奸的单身道士,有对邪术更着迷的医生,霓虹灯下的庙宇寺院,人满为患的赌场,遍地的邪教组织,也有一手遮天的黑势力村官和政府,鱼龙混杂,各显神通。 十年前曾是黑帮头目的主人公,威风一时,当昔日风光不再,而他却又偶然获得了预测生死的超能力,梦里神婆点化,说有真武大帝、文殊菩萨,太白金星等大神佑护,通达三界。 逐渐,他以另外一种身份出现在了人们的面前,传说中的黑煞神人。 接连的预测和死亡让村里最有威望的老太爷一家也开始深信不疑,云里雾里,牛鬼蛇神,掌管生死,周边男女老少也都开始对他毕恭毕敬,阴阳雾罩。 煤矿生猛的开发带来了新的生机,物极必反,暂时的快感,同时带来了毁灭性灾难性的建设,螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后,然而人们意识或者意识不到危机的同时新的方式不觉中已经开始,无论怎样的勾心斗角彷徨挣扎都无济于事,现实荒诞。 然而,他不觉中被政府利用,而他的疯魔也逐渐把自己卷入了因果轮回的死圈。 Synopsis: The Luliang region of Shanxi Province is typical of the yellow, loess, mountainous landscape of north China. The hilltop village in the film is not especially poor, nor is it particularly unique. But when it comes to its beliefs and traditions, it is clear that this is no ordinary village. Here we find mediums who can talk to the gods, a Taoist priest who is in an adulterous relationship with his nephew’s wife and doctors more interested in witchcraft than medicine. Under the neon lights of the village temple lurk all sorts of characters: people playing in crowded gambling houses, members of deviant religious cults and almighty local government officials – a mixture of good and evil, in which each and every one is showing the rest what they are worth. Ten years ago, Naixiao was leader of a local mafia gang. Powerful for a time, the winds of change altered his life and he was endowed with the superhuman power of foreseeing when people would die. In a dream, a sorceress revealed to him that he was blessed by a Taoist deity, the Bodhisattva Manjushri and the Deity of the Great White Planet and that he had been given access to the three supernatural realms. Naixiao’s new supernatural identity gradually becomes known to the people around him and with his successive predictions of who is going to die next, even the highly respected village elder and his family become convinced of his powers. People all around him begin to respect him as a gifted clairvoyant and seek him out on advice on all matters relating to life and death and the realms of the supernatural. Meanwhile, the recent development of coalmines in the locality is supposed to bring new opportunities to the communities of the region. But the initial enthusiasm is quickly dampened by rampant construction and development and the potential plagues that they will inevitably bring. Whether the locals are aware of an impending crisis or not, it is clear that a new approach is needed. Squabbling and scheming will lead to nothing as the realities of the community begin to border on the absurd. In this whole process, Naixiao finds he is being used by the local authorities and his obsessions gradually catapult him into the never ending cycle of karmic retribution.


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