JOB-HUNTING求职 预告片2017-05-23T02:05:03+00:00


·宣传片 - 影视/综艺2.6k播放1.1k人气值
发布时间:2017-05-23 10:05


《求职》讲述了大学毕业生致远寻找工作的故事。因为始终没有遇到自己心目中的“完美”工作,他每天都窝在不足10平方米的小屋里,整理那件为上班而精心准备的西装和皮鞋。一天清晨,去买报纸的致远遇到了西装笔挺赶去上班的同学……痛定思痛后,他拼凑了一个“完美”的应聘书,准备去面试。 This story describes a graduate student who desires to find a job, because of his high requirements, he can not find any perfect job. He always tidy his suit and shoes, which he has prepared for work. In his room with only 10 square meters, he expect that one day he can wear it to work. He does the same thing every day, look for the job on the internet, newspaper and magazine, but never get any result. One day morning, he saw his university classmate was going to work when he was buying the newspaper, he could not master his temper, he went back to his own place immediately, but after all he still could not find any appropriate job. Finally, a perfect job recruitment was drawn by himself, he wear his suit and shoes ready for going to the interview.

